STC expertise covers all aspects of solid waste from door to door collection to recycle and reuse of solid waste. The major disciplines covered in solid waste are:
- Domestic , Industrial and Biomedical Waste systems
- Collection and Conveyance
- Transfer and Transportation
- Sanitary Landfill sites and Leachate Control
- Waste Treatment and Reuse of waste
- Power Generation from Waste gases
- Privatization of Solid waste management
- Scientific closure and Remediation of Contaminated Landfill sites
Major Projects

Solid Waste Treatment Facilities for 3 locations in Bangalore city
![Municipal Services Assessment of Thane and Kalyan City [World Bank]](
Municipal Services Assessment of Thane and Kalyan City [World Bank]

Cuttack Solid Waste Master Plan
![Development of Methodologies for National Program for Rehabilitation of Polluted Sites [World Bank]](
Development of Methodologies for National Program for Rehabilitation of Polluted Sites [World Bank]
![Assam Urban Improvement Project (Dibrugarh) [ADB]](
Assam Urban Improvement Project (Dibrugarh) [ADB]
![Rajasthan Urban Infrastructure Development Project (Phase II) [ADB]](
Rajasthan Urban Infrastructure Development Project (Phase II) [ADB]
![Rajasthan Urban Infrastructure Development Project (Jaipur) [ADB]](
Rajasthan Urban Infrastructure Development Project (Jaipur) [ADB]
![North Eastern Region Capital Cities Development Investment Program (Shilong) [ADB]](
North Eastern Region Capital Cities Development Investment Program (Shilong) [ADB]
![Urban Water Supply & Environmental Improvement Project in MP (Indore) [ADB]](
Urban Water Supply & Environmental Improvement Project in MP (Indore) [ADB]
Solid Waste Treatment Facilities for 3 locations in Bangalore city
STC provided project management services for setting up Mechanical aerobic windrow composting plants at 3 locations in Bengaluru with a total capacity of 600 TPD and spread over an area of 12 Ha. All the related civil, electrical and mechanical works were a part of the scope. Environmental monitoring was a major component in the services provide.
Municipal Services Assessment of Thane and Kalyan City [World Bank]
STC provided services to prepare a management plan for the Municipal Solid Waste for Thane (Population 1.17 million) and Kalyan (population 0.9 million) . The waste generated was around 300 TPD and 200 TPD respectively spread over an area of 140 and 209 Sq.Kms. The components included collection, transportation & disposal.
Cuttack Solid Waste Master Plan
STC provided services to prepare report for solid waste master plan for Cuttack city. The population was 0.7 million and waste generated was 150 TPD and components included collection, transportation and disposal systems. The project was a part to clean the Mahanadi and Kathjori rivers.
Development of Methodologies for National Program for Rehabilitation of Polluted Sites [World Bank]
The Ministry of Environment and Forest (MOEF) of the Government of India has floated program for Capacity Building for Industrial pollution management. The project will help the Government of India to establish a National Program for Rehabilitation of Polluted sites (NPRPS). STC (as a part of Consortium) provided services to MOEF to develop Standard Methodologies to remediate such polluted sites. The GOI has identified 10 such contaminated sites on a pilot basis.
Highlights: This is the first such attempt in India by the Government.
Rajasthan Urban Infrastructure Development Project (Phase II) [ADB]
STC provided complete planning, designs & supervision services for Solid Waste Management to 5 towns in Rajasthan (Bundi, Jhalawar, Baran, Rajsamand, Chittorgarh). Master plans were proposed for all the five towns as was equipment provided for collection and transportation of waste. Landfill sites were constructed at Jhalawar (3+3.5 Ha), Rajsamand (33 TPD/4 Ha) & Baran (33 TPD/5.8 Ha)
Rajasthan Urban Infrastructure Development Project (Jaipur) [ADB]
STC provided complete planning, designs & construction supervision services for Solid Waste Management for Jaipur City (Population 2.3 million). The total waste generated was 600 TPD. Components included collection & conveyance equipment & 55 Ha landfill site at Khori Rupara.
North Eastern Region Capital Cities Development Investment Program (Shilong) [ADB]
STC (as a major consortium member) provided complete planning, design and supervision services for Solid Waste Management for Shillong city (Population 0.35 million) generating 100 TPD waste. Components included sanitary land fill site spread over 15000 Sq.m, collection & Transportation equipment.
Urban Water Supply & Environmental Improvement Project in MP (Indore) [ADB]
STC provided complete planning, designs & supervision services for Solid Work Management for Indore City (Population 1.5 million). Components included collection, transportation and disposal with treatment by sanitary Land fill for 600 TPD capacity waste generated.