Contact Us

Thank you for your interest in STC.
Our main office locations are as below:

Mumbai Head Office

Shah Technical Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
407, Raheja Centre, Nariman Point,
Mumbai 400 021.

Phone:  +91 22 22871061
Fax:      +91 22 22023714

Chennai Branch Office
Shah Technical Consultants (P) Ltd.,
Old No. 43/2, New No. 24/6,
Vijayaraghava Road (adj to Andhra Club),
Chennai – 600 017.

Phone:  +91 44 28150573

Jaipur Branch Office
Shah Technical Consultants Pvt. Ltd,

Plot No. 325, C-Block, 80 Feet Road, Siddarth Nagar, Near Jawahar Circle, Jaipur – 302017 Rajasthan

Phone:  +91 141 2552981/ 2725751

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